

International Short Course on Application of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry to Earth Sciences and Cultural Heritage – September 25-27, 2024

We are pleased to announce the 2024 edition of the International Short Course on “Application of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to Earth Sciences” that will be held in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on September 25-27, 2024 at the National institute of chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia. This year focus is “Fundamentals and Applications of LA-ICP-MS mapping to Earth Sciences and Cultural Heritage” – We will post a detailed program soon, stay tuned!


LA-ICP-MS imaging is an effective tool for visualizing and quantifying the two-dimensional (2D) and, more recently, three-dimensional (3D) chemical structure of geological, biological, forensic, historical, and medical samples. In petrology, it provides fundamental constraints on the petrogenesis of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, and the formation of ore deposits. In cultural heritage, it is an effective tool for fingerprinting historical objects for archeometric purposes.

In this short course, we will cover the basic principles of LA-ICP-MS imaging for the Earth Sciences, with particular emphasis on its application to petrology, volcanology, and cultural heritage. 

We will start introducing the theory behind LA-ICP-MS imaging. Then we will move to instrumental optimization, including the sample introduction system, laser parameters, and mass spectrometer parameters. We will also address how to setup-up a successful experiment with theoretical and practical insights. Part of the course will focus on data reduction, with practical training on the HDIP software. Finally, the attendees will learn how to apply mapping to answer scientific questions in the field of petrology, volcanology, and cultural heritage.

Free Access to the LA-ICP-MS facilities at the University of Perugia and National Institute of Chemistry of Ljubljana:  Two workshop attendees will have the opportunity to analyze their data, free of charge (2 analytical sessions), in the six months following the short course. Selection will be based on the submission of a brief research proposal (max 2 A4 pages) stating: (a) the main focus of the research, (b) the role of LA-ICP-MS, and (c) the expected impact of the research. The applicants are asked to provide a brief oral presentation during the workshop. The deadline for the submission of a proposal August 31, 2024. To submit a proposal, please contact Mónica Ágreda López (monica.agredalopez@dottorandi.unipg.it) The submission of a research proposal is not mandatory, for attending the workshop.

Scientific and Organizing Committee
Maurizio Petrelli (University of Perugia)
Martin Šala (National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana)
Teresa Ubide (University of Queensland, Australia)
Ciprian Stremtan (Teledyne Photon Machines)
Mónica Ágreda López (University of Perugia)
Kristina Mervič (National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana)

Commercial Partners
Teledyne-Photon Machine

Supported by:
European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science

Max number of participants: Max. 25 (the first 25 applications will be accepted)

Registration: the course is free of charge. However, the attendees have to take care of their travel and stay costs in Ljubljana. To register, please contact Mónica Ágreda López (monica.agredalopez@dottorandi.unipg.it)

Deadline for registration: August 31, 2024


The Location: National institute of chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Images from past editions…